Aren't package deals convenient and cost-effective?
A package deal is a plan where all the necessary services are bundled together for a single price. It may seem like a convenient and affordable option since it offers an easy-to-understand budget and often comes at a lower price. However, when it comes to exterior house painting, you need to be cautious!
While there are indeed package deals that offer genuine value to familiarize customers with the company, many such deals are not as beneficial as they seem.
Every house is unique
Unless you're looking at subdivision houses, it's rare to find two homes that are exactly alike. Even homes of the same design and age can have different levels of wear and tear on their exterior paint due to differences in sunlight exposure and surrounding environment. Offering a "one-size-fits-all" package deal for such varied conditions doesn't really make sense, does it?
Over 10,000 types of paint from Japanese domestic manufacturers alone
Paints vary not only in color but also in durability, glossiness, and functionality. The method of application also changes based on the type of paint and the condition of the surface. A skilled professional selects the appropriate paint and method to meet the customer's needs and ensure a perfect finish. However, a package deal might overlook these details and result in a hasty, subpar job.
Hidden additional costs
Package deals include basic painting services, but additional charges can arise for services like cleaning, priming, and repairing the base surface. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous contractors set their package prices assuming that additional charges will occur. Midway through the project, they might suddenly inform you of "necessary repairs," leading you to agree to unclear additional work, and unexpected extra costs.
Low-quality paint
Many people think of painting as a way to improve the appearance of their house, but its primary role is to protect the house. Paint shields your home from elements like rain and UV rays.
Inexpensive package deals might use low-quality or unsuitable paint. Such paint won't last long, reducing its protective effect and potentially requiring another paint job sooner than expected, leading to higher long-term costs.
We wish we could offer package deals, too!
Some of you might be put off by these stories about bad contractors, but not all are like that. Even reputable contractors would love to offer package deals because they simplify the process for customers and are profitable for the business. However, given the issues mentioned above, it can be challenging to provide a reliable painting service through a package deal.
What does it mean to truly get a good deal?
Ideally, the paint job done when you built your house would last forever. But even high-end fluorine-based paints with long lifespans only last up to 20 years under ideal conditions. Thus, repainting is a necessary periodic maintenance task that can't be avoided.
People tend to focus on the low initial cost of package deals, but longevity can reduce overall painting costs over a lifetime. Since your home is a place you'll live in for decades, it's essential to ensure appropriate work that suits its condition, providing long-lasting protective effects. This is what truly represents a cost-effective deal.
Beware of "package deals" for exterior house painting
While package deals for exterior house painting might seem convenient and cost-effective at first glance, hidden additional costs and the use of low-quality paint can be major pitfalls. Always scrutinize the contract details and choose a trustworthy contractor!
To protect your valuable home and live comfortably, selecting a painting contractor that performs appropriate repainting work is key to receiving truly cost-effective services.
Wondering if the quoted price is reasonable?
At Shin-Life Create Co., Ltd., we offer a quote assessment service called "Repaint Agent," which began with a single request from an acquaintance asking if the quote they received was fair. We review the quotes customers bring to us, explaining whether the proposed work is what the customer needs and if the quoted price is reasonable, all free of charge. We also answer any questions about painting work to help our customers. Please feel free to consult us!